A red jeep with large tires parked in the street.

Auto Body Modifications for a Personalized Touch

At United Motor Collison, our auto body modifications offer a spectrum of possibilities, allowing enthusiasts to tailor their vehicles to reflect personal style preferences, auto body painting, enhancing performance, and make a lasting impression on the road.

Auto Body Painting

Revitalize your vehicle's aesthetic appeal with our professional auto body painting services. We employ high-quality paints and advanced techniques to deliver a flawless finish that transforms your vehicle. Our skilled artists can precisely match any color and finish, ensuring your vehicle looks fresh, vibrant, and rejuvenated. Whether it's minor touch-ups, an auto dent removal, or a full respray, we ensure a flawless finish and long-lasting durability.

A black and orange toyota truck parked in the parking lot.
A red jeep parked on the side of a road.

Body Kits and Aero Enhancements

Enhance both style and aerodynamics with body kits. These modifications include front and rear bumpers, side skirts, and spoilers, providing a sleek and aggressive appearance. Not only do they transform your vehicle's aesthetics, but they can also improve overall performance.

Suspension Upgrades

Achieve the perfect stance and handling with suspension modifications. Lowering or lifting your vehicle not only alters its appearance, but can also enhance cornering and overall driving dynamics. Adjustable coil-overs, air suspension systems, and upgraded sway bars are popular choices.

A car is being worked on in the shop.
A red truck is parked on the street.

Performance Exhaust Systems

Modify your vehicle's exhaust system for enhanced performance and a distinctive sound. Aftermarket exhaust systems can improve horsepower, torque, and fuel efficiency while providing a more aggressive and unique exhaust note.

Interior Customization

Transform your vehicle's interior with personalized touches. Upgrade seats, add ambient lighting, install high-tech audio systems, or integrate the latest technology for a comfortable and luxurious driving experience. Get a quote from United Motor Collison today for top-tier modifications at competitive prices.

A red car with black and brown seats